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Introduction & Overview

What is PlanAssist®?

Adopt a responsible and disciplined approach to wealth management with PlanAssist's strategic three-step service. It includes a personalized Financial Roadmap, an Asset Allocation Strategy, and access to a Certified Financial Planner Hotline for expert advice. This method offers a clear, honest path to managing your wealth, steering clear of sales tactics and hidden agendas. PlanAssist combines practical strategies with expert guidance and provides a no-fee, no-commitment 60-minute initial consultation. Engage with a network of trusted financial professionals, both familiar and new, who are dedicated to enhancing your financial decision-making confidence. 

Planassist financial roadmap planner in winter garden florida pie chart

Financial Roadmap

The Financial Roadmap is a dynamic tool that provides a snapshot of your current financial standing ("Here") and projects your future financial landscape ("There"). Developed by a team of financial experts, this roadmap helps you identify risks, evaluate potential scenarios, and link your decisions and assets. 

Asset Allocation Strategy

A disciplined asset allocation strategy is crucial for long-term wealth accumulation. Life is unpredictable—new income, inherited assets, market fluctuations, and more can disrupt your financial plans. PlanAssist simplifies this complex task by employing cutting-edge technology to help you make informed decisions based on your time horizon, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.

Planassist asset allocation information
contact information for planassist financial roadmap planner in winter garden, florida

CFP® Hotline

Inspired by the concept of a Nurses Hotline, the CFP Hotline serves as a reliable resource for your pressing financial questions. You're in complete control—you can choose to follow the advice fully, partially, or not at all. The key benefit is that the advice is not linked to the emotional charge often affiliated with big decisions, and there's no obligation to purchase any products.

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